The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of birth certificates, i.e., documents which certify the date and place of a person's birth as well as his/her parentage. Available in most jurisdictions are authorized copies which are required to obtain a driver’s license, passport, Social Security card and other services related to an individual’s identity; and informational copies which cannot be used to establish a person’s identity. Only individuals designated by law have access to authorized copies of a person's birth certificate.
Programs that issue, maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to or copies of documents that relate to an individual's death.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to or copies of the official document that dissolves a marriage relationship between two people.
Programs that offer permits which authorize the holder to work in the kitchens of food establishments such as restaurants and cafeterias preparing and serving food.
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to the cumulative history of the occasions on which an individual has received specific vaccinations, such as those related to childhood diseases, flu, travel and COVID-19.
Programs that maintain copies of the instrument which certifies that a marriage between two people has taken place. The marriage certificate is executed by the individual officiating at the marriage and serves as evidence of the marriage.