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Alternative Medicine Associations
Taxonomy Code: TN-5000.0100
Organizations whose members are individuals whose practices incorporate any of a wide variety of health care and treatment procedures that fall outside the mainstream of conventional medical practice who have affiliated for the purpose of advancing their profession, promoting mutual interests, participating in medical seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to medical journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for continuing professional development. Included are associations for practitioners of acupressure, acupuncture, apitherapy, aromatherapy, autogenic therapy, biofeedback, colonic irrigation, craniosacral therapy, crystal therapy, feng shui, guided imagery, herbal medicine, holistic health care, homeopathic medicine, iridology, macrobiotic counseling, magnetic therapy, massage, Native American traditional healing, naturopathy, osteopathy, oxygen therapy, reflexology, spiritual healing, therapeutic fasting and/or vitamin therapy.
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