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Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Taxonomy Code: LH-2700.1540
Health care programs that provide multidisciplinary education, training and support regarding recommended therapeutic regimens, medical procedures and self-care for adults, adolescents and/or children who have undergone surgery or who have chronic conditions (such as diabetes, asthma/COPD, kidney disease/ESRD, heart disease/hypertension and AIDS) that require ongoing management, and/or for family members who may be involved in their care or affected by their condition. The objective of these programs is to empower patients to manage their own chronic conditions in partnership with their health care providers. Chronic disease self management assistance may be provided in a variety of settings including classes/workshops, individual counseling sessions and as home-based services, particularly in situations where conditions in the home have an impact on the individual's illness. Chronic diseases are illnesses that are prolonged, do not resolve spontaneously, and are rarely cured completely.
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