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Housing Courts
Taxonomy Code: FC-8200.8100-300
Special courts that are available in some states to resolve landlord tenant disputes including eviction (unlawful detainer) actions; requests for help by tenants to force the building owner or landlord to make repairs, correct building violations or protect tenant privacy; rent escrow actions by tenants who deposit rent with the court to bring a claim against a landlord who refuses to make repairs or comply with terms of a lease; counterclaims for rent escrow actions; requests by tenants for assistance when a building owner refuses to provide heat, electricity, water or other essential services; and requests from tenants for help in situations where they have been locked out of their homes. Landlord/tenant mediation services are available through some courts. In some jurisdictions, housing courts also hear actions that relate broadly to residential housing such as those involving zoning or general nuisance problems that may affect homeowners within a neighborhood.
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