Williamsville Wellness Center, LLC

(Addiction Treatment)


10515 Cabaniss Lane
Hanover, VA 23069

(804) 207-5254



(Addiction Treatment)


At Williamsville Wellness, we believe that the key to successful and lasting recovery is through individual attention. Where other addiction treatment centers rely primarily on group therapy sessions, we provide 15+ one-on-one sessions per week with our multidisciplinary staff. In our treatment programs for alcohol and substance abuse, Williamsville Wellness addresses the body, mind, and spirit through a variety of techniques to help patients identify barriers to recovery. Within individual and group sessions, our patients can address behaviors, contributing factors to addiction, emotional and mental health, family issues, and the impact of addiction on the body, mind, and spirit.

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Date of Official Change:

June 24, 2013

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

10515 Cabaniss Lane
Hanover, VA 23069

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