Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Mental Health Related Prevention Programs

Body Image Education

Programs that raise awareness and educate the community about body image and eating issues while promoting normal eating, active living, self-acceptance, and respect and appreciation for size diversity. "Body image" refers to a person's perception of his or her own physical appearance. People with a poor body image perceive their own body as being unattractive or even repulsive to others while people with a good body image, or positive "body acceptance", either see themselves as attractive to others, or are willing accept their body as it is. Concerns about body image have led to poor self-esteem, reluctance to participate in physical activities, preoccupation with weight and dieting and an increase in the likelihood of developing an eating disorder.

Suicide Prevention Programs

Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of suicide through a variety of educational interventions which have the objective of exploring alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Suicide prevention programs help people understand the nature of the problem; the risk factors and warning signs; and sources for treatment and support. Included are prevention programs that address specific target populations as well as those that are intended to reach the community at large. Delivery formats may include printed materials, videos or websites that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.
