Address Listings


600 East Broad St.
Richmond, VA 23219


Richmond, VA 23219


Phone Numbers

(800) 432-5924

(804) 786-1373

Special Notes/Funding

The Virginia HIV Health Insurance Premium Assistance Program is designed to help pay the health insurance premiums of individual who have been diagnosed as HIV+ and may be unable to work within three months due to that diagnosis.


Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm

Required Documents

Application, Physician's Verification form, proof of insurance, and a copy of most recent pay stub or tax return.


Virginia residency. Documentation of disability within three months due to HIV+ diagnosis. Eligible to continue health insurance. Liquid assets under $10,000. Family income under 250% of poverty guidelines


No fees/not applicable

Intake Procedure

Application and Physician's Verification form required.



Service Area


Geography Served



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