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Automobile Theft Prevention
Taxonomy Code: FN-1500.0500
Programs that help people who own and drive automobiles protect themselves from auto theft or carjacking by suggesting measures which discourage the individuals who are perpetrating these crimes. Educational materials may address what to consider when selecting a place to park, how to behave when entering or leaving a vehicle or driving on city roads or highways, how to be alert when stopped at a light, what to do if confronted by a carjacker, what to look for when purchasing a used vehicle and how to evaluate various anti-theft devices. Also included are programs initiated by law enforcement which make it easier for police officers to conduct an investigative stop of a vehicle under suspicious circumstances. The program enables residents who rarely drive their automobile late at night to register their vehicle with the police and to obtain a decal which, in effect, gives the police their permission to stop the vehicle if it is being driven during prescribed hours.
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