Service Tree

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Infertility Diagnosis

Taxonomy Code: LJ-2000.3300-360

Programs that offer physical examinations and a variety of special tests for both partners to help couples determine why the woman has been unable to conceive. Tests related to male infertility include semen analyses which test semen characteristics as well as sperm motility, concentration, morphology, viability and membrane function; an endocrine evaluation to measure hormone levels; and examinations which rule out structural anomalies. Tests related to female infertility include baseline tests for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), x-ray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes, ultrasound tests to monitor follicle development and identify fibroids, polyps or other uterine anomalies, tests to determine whether ovulation is taking place at the correct time in the woman's cycle, post coital tests to determine whether sperm is able to penetrate the cervical mucus and survive, and tests which measure progesterone levels. Routine screening of both partners is also conducted to ensure that neither has AIDS, hepatitis or other contagious diseases which might affect the woman's ability to become pregnant.

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