Transgender Services

Viewing 81-90 of 129 results (listed by best match)

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Louisa County Resource Council

Local Resource County

Services: Case/Care Management, Food Pantries, Health Care Referrals, Housing Counseling, Outreach Programs

147 Resource Lane

Louisa, VA 23093

Lynchburg Community Action Group, Inc.

Community Based Organization

Services: Case/Care Management, Food Pantries, Housing Counseling, Outreach Programs

926 Commerce St.

Lynchburg, VA 24504

Mark Sklar, MD


Services: Diabetes Screening, Endocrinology, Thyroid Function Tests, Transgender Hormone Therapy

3 Washington Circle

NW, Suite 303

Washington, DC 20037

(202) 887-4769

Metro TeenAIDS

Metro TeenAIDS, founded in 1988, is a community health organization dedicated to supporting young people in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, General Medical Care, Medication Adherence Programs, Outreach Programs, Rapid HIV Tests, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

651 Pennsylvania Ae., SE

Washington, DC 20003

Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board

Community Services Board

Services: Case/Care Management, Health Care Referrals, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Outreach Programs

530 General Puller Highway

Saluda, VA 23149

Minority AIDS Support Services

Minority AIDS Support Services is a minority-owned and operated non-profit that supports Hampton Roads by providing free STD/HIV testing, food, and help with signing up for insurance and PrEP.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, Dental Care, Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Food Vouchers, General Medical Care, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Testing, Home HIV Test Collection Kits, Housing Counseling, Inmate Pre-Release Programs, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

247 28th Street, Suite 100

Newport News, VA 23607

(757) 247-1879

Newcomer Community Services Center

Refugee and Asylee Service Organization

Services: Case/Care Management, General Legal Aid, Interpretation/Translation

6131 Williston Dr.

Room 8

Falls Church, VA 22044

Norfolk Community Services Board

Community Services Board

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Case/Care Management, Developmental Disabilities Coordinated Entry Programs, Medication Adherence Programs, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Mental Health Information/Education

225 West Olney Road

Norfolk, VA 23505

Norfolk Community Services Board: Virginia Beach Blvd Facility

Community Services Board

Services: Case/Care Management, General Medical Care, Health Care Referrals, Housing Counseling, Medication Adherence Programs, Rapid HIV Tests

7460 Tidewater Dr

Norfolk, VA 23505

Northwestern Community Services Board

Community Services Board

Services: Case/Care Management, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

209 W. Criser Road

Suite 300

Front Royal, VA 22630

Viewing 81-90 of 129 results (listed by best match)
