Transgender Services

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International Black Women's Congress

The International Black Women’s Congress is comprised of women of African descent from all walks of life all around the world.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, Gang Programs, HIV Testing, International Health Programs, International Women's Rights

645 Church Street

Suite 200

Norfolk, VA 23510

Jacob E. Kuperstock, MD

Skin care consultation and treatment, general ear nose and throat services, facial feminization surgery and vocal feminization surgery.

Services: Cosmetics, Dermatology, Otolaryngology, Physician/Surgeon Associations, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery, Transgender Body Image Resources

3801 University Dr, 1st Floor

Fairfax, VA 22030

(703) 383-7350

James House

Services: Abuse/Violence Related Support Groups, Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Adult Child Abuse Survivor Counseling, Case/Care Management, Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices, Crime Victim Safety Planning, Crisis Intervention Hotlines/Helplines, Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services, Emergency Shelter, Legal Counseling

6610 Commons Drive, Suite C

Prince George, VA 23875

(804) 458-2840

Jewish Family Services

Health and Human Services Organization

Services: Case/Care Management, Home Health Care, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

6718 Patterson Avenue

Richmond, VA 23226

Johnson Health Center

Community Health Center

Services: AIDS/HIV Clinics, Case/Care Management, Dental Care, Family Planning, Health Care Referrals, HIV Testing, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Health Facilities, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment

320 Federal St.

Lynchburg, VA 24504

La Clinica Del Pueblo

Our mission is to build a healthy Latino community through culturally appropriate health services, focusing on those most in need.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Benefits and Services Assistance, Case/Care Management, Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, General Medical Care, Health Education, Health Insurance Information/Counseling, HIV Testing, Interpretation/Translation, LGBTQ2+ Advocacy Groups, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

2831 15th Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 462-4788

Lee County Behavioral Health Services

Services: Case/Care Management, General Medical Care, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

34084 Wilderness Road

Jonesville, VA 24263

LGBT Life Center

LGBT Life Center is a trusted leader that empowers the LGBTQ communities and all people affected by HIV through improving health and wellness, strengthening families and communities, and providing transformative education and advocacy.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Case/Care Management, Food Pantries, Hepatitis Testing, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Testing, LGBTQ2+ Community Centers, LGBTQ2+ Support Groups, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment, Transgender Hormone Therapy


Norfolk, VA 23517

Lighthouse Counseling of Fredericksburg, PLC

Lighthouse Counseling of Fredericksburg, PLC is an outpatient therapy practice that serves adolescents and adult in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area with a variety of concerns including: mental health (anxiety, depression, trauma, severe mental illness), substance abuse, and affectional orientation, gender identity and related issues.

Services: Anxiety Disorders Screening, Depression Screening, Gender Identity Counseling, General Mental Health Screening, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis

420 Hudgins Road

Suite 201

Fredericksburg, VA 22408

(540) 907-0121

Loudoun Community Services Board

Community Services Board

Services: Case/Care Management, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services

906 Trailview Blvd.

Suite C

Leesburg, VA 20175

Viewing 71-80 of 129 results (listed by best match)
